Featured Funds.
The Community Fund
Donations to the Community Fund are pooled together and the interest income is granted to local charities through our grant-making process.
Don & Virginia Glover Endowment Fund
The Glover Fund exists to support community development, heritage preservation projects and aims to protect our vibrant arts and culture scene here in Brockville
Fullarton Fit Kids Fund
This meaningful fund was established by Courtney and Rob Fullarton, a local couple who are passionate about giving kids the opportunity to participate in athletics! Their wish is to help eliminate barriers to participation, whether that is in sport or improving our local shared play spaces for kids. Additionally, their fund may exist to support programs that provide healthy nutrition options for the kids and youth in our community.
Larry VanderBaaren Memorial Fund (Big Brothers Big Sisters)
This fund grants out annually to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Leeds and Grenville. The fund was established by Larry’s family in 2022 following his death in 2021. Larry was a generous philanthropist and loved this community. He strongly believed all children should have access to, not only basic needs, but also to sports equipment and the ability to join local teams and clubs.
Lounsbury Family Endowment Fund
This fund will exist in perpetuity to provide an annual bursary to a Brockville Collegiate Institute student with financial needs planning to enroll in a university or college.
Thomas Dailey Endowment Fund
For the benefit and beautification of Historic Downtown Brockville and the Waterfront Walking Park.