wondering which fund to donate to?
Donations can be made to any of our existing funds or if you would like to find out about establishing your own fund with the Brockville and Area Community Foundation, please contact us. A description of all existing funds and types of funds that can be established are outlined below the donation form.

existing funds
The Brockville and Area Community Foundation (BACF) manages a wide variety of funds on behalf of an ever-growing number of donors. To find out more about what each fund is supporting, please click the fund you are interested in for a description.
The Activate Health and Wellness Initiative Fund will support community projects through the Brockville and Area Community Foundation’s annual grant-making process, with priority given to projects in the following areas:
1. Health and Wellness
2. Youth
3. Families
The Alexus Mulcahy Fund was established by the Mulcahy family, with Alexus Mulcahy and William Mulcahy, both Brockville Collegiate Institute (BCI) alumni, combining their shared passion for education and athletics to create a lasting impact on local students. William serves as the Director of Rowing at the Brockville Rowing Club.
This bursary provides financial assistance to BCI students, with priority given to:
Students focusing on rowing
Students pursuing athletics
Students with demonstrated financial need
Open to both university and college-bound students, the Alexus Mulcahy Fund is dedicated to supporting student success and contributing to the community’s educational growth.
The Bradford M. Hubbard Memorial Fund aims to continue Brad's dedication to making Spencerville flourish. The fund, established by his family in 2017 following his untimely death, supports community projects in the village of Spencerville with a particular focus on historic restoration. Brad was the owner of Hubbard & Company Heritage Restoration and had an unending passion for his community. This fund aims to keep his work and legacy alive, providing ongoing support to Spencerville's development and the preservation of local history.
The goal of this fund is to provide financial support to local organizations focused on supporting families in the areas of: health, mental health, food security, safe shelter, transportation to safe shelter, basic needs and education.
This endowment generates funds that will augment the services of the Brockville Public Library, ultimately resulting in enhanced library services for the community.
Was established in 2009 from a small portion of proceeds from the sale of the PUC.
This fund was established by Jamie Puddicombe and Hilary Maxwell to benefit children’s mental health needs in Brockville and surrounding area. The fund grants annually to Children’s Mental Health of Leeds and Grenville.
Donations to the Community Fund are pooled together and the interest income is granted to local charities through our grant-making process.
The BDACI endowment fund was established, in particular, so families of people with disabilities could have a place to leave a permanent legacy. Earnings from the fund will go to support the efforts of BDACI to continue to provide for a safe, secure and positive future for people with disabilities.
To support "arts and culture, community development, education, environment, health, heritage preservation, recreation, social services, and youth." as determined by the BACF Board of Directors
The purpose of the fund is to provide an annual scholarship to a qualified student who is enrolled in a law enforcement program at a post-secondary institution.
The Elsie Reid Fund, was established with a mission to support local non-profit organizations that work with and provide assistance to precariously housed or unhoused community members.
This fund aims to empower and uplift vulnerable individuals and families by funding projects and initiatives focused on alleviating the challenges of housing instability and homelessness. Grants from the Elsie Reid Fund may support a range of needs, including but not limited to:
Rent and utility assistance
Furniture and household essentials
Nutrition and survival items
Mental health and addiction services
Food insecurity support
Children and youth services
Indigenous peoples’ needs
Access to cultural or spiritual supports
By supporting these vital services, the Elsie Reid Fund helps to create a more compassionate and resilient community for those experiencing housing challenges.
This meaningful fund was established by Courtney and Rob Fullarton, a local couple who are passionate about giving kids the opportunity to participate in athletics! Their wish is to help eliminate barriers to participation, whether that is in sport or improving our local shared play spaces for kids. Additionally, their fund may exist to support programs that provide healthy nutrition options for the kids and youth in our community.
Earnings from this permanent fund support the work of Girls Incorporated, to empower girls and encourage them to be strong, smart and bold.
Annual earnings will provide a bursury to a graduating student continuing on in the skilled trades field, to college or directly to work place
The purpose of the HOPE Endowment Fund is used to provide financial grants to organizations in the region who assist individuals in need to travel to receive medical treatment, but who could otherwise not afford the travel costs.
To provide assistance to organizations who provide nutritious meals to those in our community who are in need and/or a bursary to a deserving student at St. Mary's Catholic High School.
This fund grants out annually to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Leeds and Grenville. The fund was established by Larry’s family in 2022 following his death in 2021. Larry was a generous philanthropist and loved this community. He strongly believed all children should have access to, not only basic needs, but also to sports equipment and the ability to join local teams and clubs.
The purpose of this fund is to enhance the wellbeing of those living in the greater Brockville area, giving highest priority to enhancing the lives of people who live in difficult circumstances, including but not limited to poverty, hunger, homelessness, illness or violence. Additionally, this fund hopes to provide and/or enhance access to justice and/or the development of a progressive legal system.
This fund will exist in perpetuity to provide an annual bursary to a Brockville Collegiate Institute student with financial needs planning to enroll in a university or college.
To support Arts and Culture in Brockville and Area as well as the Operations of the Foundation at the discretion of the BACF Board of Directors
The purpose of the fund is to provide an annual scholarship to a community minded Brockville Collegiate Institute student who is enrolled in a post-secondary institution.
To support the Operations of the Brockville & Area Community Foundation
For the benefit and beautification of Historic Downtown Brockville and the Waterfront Walking Parks & trails.
Contribute to something that has lasting impact by donating to the Brockville United Way Endowment fund. The purpose of this fund is to generate resources in support of United Way Annual Giving Campaigns. Your generous donation will help build momentum for future needs in this area.
The Valerie Kines Memorial Endowment Fund aims to continue Valerie's dedication to serving the Brockville community. The fund was established by her family in 2017 and provides an annual scholarship to an entrepreneurial, community minded female enrolled in first year business at St. Lawrence College in Brockville. Valerie was an entrepreneur and active philanthropist in Brockville, and this fund aims to keep her work and legacy alive, by providing support to young entrepreneurial women studying in Brockville, and who are also active in making a difference in their community.
Looking to start your own fund?
Build lasting impact. The Brockville and Area Community Foundation (BACF) manages a wide variety of funds on behalf of an ever-growing number of donors. Foundation funds offer donors the maximum tax benefits for each charitable gift while simplifying the tax reporting process. With its focus on endowments, donors can be assured that their funds will provide support for the community forever. Any of the following types of funds may be established with the Community Foundation. Please set up a call with us by clicking below to discuss your fund options.
You can use your gift to meet ever-changing community needs - including future needs that often cannot be anticipated at the time your gift is made. We evaluate all aspects of community well-being - arts and culture, education, environment, health and social services, youth, seniors and more. The flexibility of your unrestricted gift makes it possible to respond to the community's most pressing needs, today and tomorrow.
The Community Fund
Donations to the Community Fund are pooled together and the interest income is granted to local charities through our grant-making process.Don & Virginia Glover Endowment Fund
To support "arts and culture, community development, education, environment, health, heritage preservation, recreation, social services, and youth." as determined by the BACF Board of DirectorsMassey Family Endowment Fund
To support "arts and culture, community development, education, environment, health, heritage preservation, recreation, social services, and youth." as determined by the BACF Board of Directors
The Elsie Reid Fund
The Elsie Reid Fund, was established with a mission to support local non-profit organizations that work with and provide assistance to precariously housed or unhoused community members. -
You can target your gift to address needs in an area of community life important to you. It could be the arts, seniors, at-risk youth, mental health, etc. You identify your personal interest area when making your gift; our board awards grants to community groups and programs that are making a difference in the area you select.
You can have ongoing involvement in the use of your gift. You work with our grant making committee, identifying ways to use dollars from your Donor Advised Fund to address the issues and needs you care about most. Your recommendations are submitted to our board for approval; we then distribute grant dollars
City of Brockville Legacy Endowment Fund
Was established in 2009 from a small portion of proceeds from the sale of the PUC.
The Brockville Healthy Families Fund
This fund will exist to support organizations and projects that protect and support the overall well-being of families in Brockville. This may include the areas of; health, mental health, safe shelter, transportation to safe shelter, basic needs and education.
Leeds & Grenville Law Association Legacy Fund
The purpose of this fund is to enhance the wellbeing of those living in the greater Brockville area, giving highest priority to enhancing the lives of people who live in difficult circumstances, including but not limited to poverty, hunger, homelessness, illness or violence. Additionally, this fund hopes to provide and/or enhance access to justice and/or the development of a progressive legal system.Fullarton Fit Kids Fund
This meaningful fund was established by Courtney and Rob Fullarton, a local couple who are passionate about giving kids the opportunity to participate in athletics! Their wish is to help eliminate barriers to participation, whether that is in sport or improving our local shared play spaces for kids. Additionally, their fund may exist to support programs that provide healthy nutrition options for the kids and youth in our community.
Activate Health and Wellness Initiative Fund
Activate Health and Wellness Initiative Fund will support community projects through the Brockville and Area Community Foundation’s annual grant-making process, with priority given to projects in the following areas:1. Health and Wellness
2. Youth
3. Families
You can direct your gift to a specific charity or issue area. It could be ongoing funding for a senior centre, museum, your church, or virtually any nonprofit charitable organization. You identify the recipient you wish to benefit through your gift; our staff manages the annual distribution of funds.
Thomas Dailey Endowment Fund
For the benefit and beautification of Historic Downtown Brockville and the Waterfront Walking Park.Operations Endowment Fund
To support the Operations of the Brockville & Area Community FoundationJohn and Margery Davis Endowment Fund
To provide assistance to organizations who provide nutritious meals to those in our community who are in need and/or a bursary to a deserving student at St. Mary's Catholic High School.
The Children’s Mental Health Fund
This fund was established by Jamie Puddicombe and Hilary Maxwell to benefit children’s mental health needs in Brockville and surrounding area. The fund grants annually to Children’s Mental Health of Leeds and Grenville. -
Provide support to students pursuing academic goals through awards, scholarships and bursaries; Existing Funds: note: we currently have two scholarship funds which we have listed under "Memorial Funds" as they were established by the families in memory of a loved one.
Existing Funds:
Douglas Scott Jr. Memorial Endowment Fund
The purpose of the fund is to provide an annual scholarship to a qualified student who is enrolled in a law enforcement program at a post-secondary institution.Henry Merkx Memorial Bursary Endowment Fund
Annual earnings will provide a bursury to a graduating student continuing on in the skilled trades field, to college or directly to work placeLounsbury Family Endowment Fund The purpose of this fund will be to provide an annual bursary to a Brockville Collegiate Institute student with financial needs planning to enroll in a university or college.
Valerie Kines Memorial Endowment Fund
The Valerie Kines Memorial Endowment Fund aims to continue Valerie's dedication to serving the Brockville community. The fund was established by her family in 2017 and provides an annual scholarship to an entrepreneurial, community minded female enrolled in first year business at St. Lawrence College in Brockville. Valerie was an entrepreneur and active philanthropist in Brockville, and this fund aims to keep her work and legacy alive, by providing support to young entrepreneurial women studying in Brockville, and who are also active in making a difference in their community.The Alexus Mulcahy Fund
The Alexus Mulcahy Fund was established by the Mulcahy family, with Alexus Mulcahy, a Brockville Collegiate Institute (BCI) graduate, and Will Mulcahy, Head Coach of the Brockville Rowing Club, combining their shared passion for education and athletics to create a lasting impact on local students. -
Can be established through the BACF in order to create a lasting tribute to a special member of the community or loved one.
Bradford M. Hubbard Memorial Fund
The Bradford M. Hubbard Memorial Fund aims to continue Brad's dedication to making Spencerville flourish. The fund, established by his family in 2017 following his untimely death, supports community projects in the village of Spencerville with a particular focus on historic restoration. Brad was the owner of Hubbard & Company Heritage Restoration and had an unending passion for his community. This fund aims to keep his work and legacy alive, providing ongoing support to Spencerville's development and the preservation of local history.United Way/Glenn & Jean Tompkins Memorial Fund
In support of Brockville United Way Annual Giving Campaign
Larry VanderBaaren Memorial Fund
This fund grants out annually to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Leeds and Grenville. The fund was established by Larry’s family in 2022 following his death in 2021. Larry was a generous philanthropist and loved this community. He strongly believed all children should have access to, not only basic needs, but also to sports equipment and the ability to join local teams and clubs.
Myrtle Johnston Memorial Scholarship Fund
The purpose of the fund is to provide an annual scholarship to a community minded Brockville Collegiate Institute student who is enrolled in a post-secondary institution. -
An attractive option for local charities that currently manage or are interested in establishing their own endowment fund. An Agency Endowment Fund through the Foundation makes it easy and efficient to create and manage a permanent endowment for your organization. You build the fund by encouraging your committed members to make a larger gift than they otherwise might not make. We take care of the rest.
Community Involvement Legacy Endowment Fund
The BDACI endowment fund was established, in particular, so families of people with disabilities could have a place to leave a permanent legacy. Earnings from the fund will go to support the efforts of BDACI to continue to provide for a safe, secure and positive future for people with disabilities.Girls Incorporated Endowment Fund
Earnings from this permanent fund support the work of Girls Incorporated., to empower girls and encourage them to be strong, smart and bold.Brockville Public Library Endowment Fund
This endowment generates funds that will augment the services of the Brockville Public Library, ultimately resulting in enhanced library services for the community. -
Are for donors who do not want to endow their donations or for those who wish to combine current donations with endowment earnings in order to increase the amount of their grant(s). Or, can be used to facilitate special community projects.
Past Funds:
Earl's Court Playground Project
Brockville Roadrunners - Brock Trail Signage
Millennium Project Fountain
"Project Encore" Brockville Arts Center
Courthouse Green